52词语>英语词典>sorted file翻译和用法

sorted file

英 [ˈsɔːtɪd faɪl]

美 [ˈsɔːrtɪd faɪl]

网络  分类文件; 已分类文件



  • Once you've sorted through what can be discarded, recycled or given away, then buy file folders, shelving, paint, cleaning equipment or whatever you need to do a terrific job.
  • The program then changes the column data ( usually by reading a sorted transaction file in the same order as the table data) and writes both the changed and unchanged rows to a sequential file.
  • Multiple changes are accumulated and sorted in memory then written to disk when a certain configurable file size threshold is reached.
  • Removes the sorting method you applied. Tasks will be sorted as they are in the project file.
  • This historical data can be sorted and exported as a comma-separated value ( CSV) file, which enables the data to be imported into spreadsheets and other applications.
  • The u option causes the built-in sort command to remove duplicate lines ( once they've been sorted), and the leading% applies that special sort to the entire file.
  • The uniq command normally operates on sorted files, and removes consecutive identical lines from any file, whether sorted or not.
  • The sort command can also merge already sorted files and check whether a file is sorted or not.